Tuesday, August 29, 2006

School Days

Ahh....Is there anything quite as wonderful as kids returning from a non-air conditioned school after the first day, being cranky, short and huffy?? To which I tolerated for a good 20 minutes before I blasted back with "WHATEVER!! GO AWAY!!"

Both Cassie and Travis had there little bundle of papers, the same papers I have been filling out for 15 years and will be filling out for 15 more.

I waited all patiently for wonderful stories about the excitement of the first day, who, over the summer, got fatter, thinner, prettier, uglier...you know, all the important stuff. But instead I got nothing but complaints. It is TOO HOT, it sucks, I hate this one teacher, I got yelled at for my shirt saying, "when in doubt, whip it out" and had to turn it inside out, and all the other crap.

Brooke and I went to Mcdonalds and then to the Dairy Queen. I felt both fatter and uglier after that. But apparently,no one cares about such things anymore.

The dog ran away again and no one has called yet to let us know where to pick her up. I am secretly praying it is not the place she went the last three times, cause that guy was so nice the first two times. After calling the third time in as many days and, then Bob deciding he should wait two hours til someone else got home and tell them to go pick up the dog, ah, not so nice that time. He showed up at our door and just sort of tossed the dog in and walked away all pissy. Wonder why?

It really hurts to lose pet owner of the year and mother of the year all in the same day.

I may still in the running for slumlord.


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