Sunday, May 14, 2006

And You Wonder Why I'm Nuts...........

Yesterday we moved Ryan home from college. His bags of acquired stuff still sit on the covered back patio. There was no time to sort through it all because we had to get Travis, the vomitting wonder, ready for prom.

It is not like when I went to prom 20 some years ago, it is like an all day event now that starts in the morning with picking up the flowers, the gum and the cameras. By afternoon he realizes he has no black socks and they forgot to put his cufflinks in the bag. He is leaving at 3pm, this is at 230pm. Bob saves the day by finding a pair in his black dress shoes that we all sniff and determine "do not stink".

Travis must go pick up Kelly, pose for pictures there, then head off to another friend's house where all the kids will gather, the parents will have food and beverages for all and about a hundred other parents will try to park around said house. At 5pm they must be at the high school for the "Grand March" where they are introduced and walk out to cheers, applause and more picture taking. After this, everyone walks outside and comments on how great they all look and then they take some more pictures. Following this, they head to dinner, take more pictures, go to the dance, take more pictures and then stand in line to pose for professional pictutres. This is not just you and your date anymore. Sure they still take that one, but then you get a cute pic with your buddies and then a few more of you and various others...lots and lots of pictures.

I am so caught up in all the events of the day that I forget to eat anything. Right before we leave for the grand march, I get extremely sick to my stomach, worry I have Travis's illness, start an IBS attack, feel fluid leaking out my ear that I determine is blood, freak out, pull myself together and head out.

I was all ready to go out, but then got caught in the rain and my hair was a mess. I had 30 minutes to spare between the ending of the prom activities and the dinner with my friends. I decided to change my shirt, because maybe a different shirt would look better with my messy hair, that I did not feel like trying to repair at this point. After nearly twenty shirt changes, I leave with the shirt I already had on.

I get to dinner late, but am still the first one there cause my freinds are assholes. I sit alone in a smoking room for fifteen minutes til one finally appears, it takes another half hour to forty-five minutes for the rest to get there. Total assholes.

We then head to the bar where the night included a passing out drunk, fights with the bar wench and another fight between some crazy bitch getting implants in two weeks and anyone she could start a fight with at the bar. She was carried out after she tried to clock my brother, a now owner of the bar. Much drama happened before, during and after. You know, the regular bar stuff, people crying, people starting shit, people dancing and people making fools of themsleves while feeling perfectly within their right to do so. Everything seems pretty okay to say or do after five pearl harbors, so who can blame them? I never get into fights, but commonly can be the reason for one and I help passed out drunks get to the bathroom. I'm all about peace, harmony and laughing at others.

Bob shows up around 1230am and tells me Brooke has now caught the vomitting illness. We leave a while later and get home to more vomitting that went on til about 930am this morning. A complete buzz kill. Bob and I both have belly aches and have consumed several tums. We fear we are next and not being able to sleep the entire night is not helping the situation.

Now we must go pick up the van I left at the bar, but Brooke has a fever and is burning up. All the kids are sleeping because Ryan went to a party that got busted by the cops. He escaped and was home about 430ish and told us his story while reminding us that due to finals and this party, he last slept sometime Thursday. I imagine he will wake up sometime tomorrow. Travis was up all night at after-prom and left there for another get-together and Cassie had a sleepover that included little sleep.

I am tired, need to get my van, need to get groceries, need to get about 6 hours of sleep, along with the rest of the house and need to re-evaluate my entire life.

Another fabulous Mother's Day, could I ask for anything more?


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