Friday, May 05, 2006

Sylvia Brown's Book

I was looking through a still, unpacked box from the move. Yes, it has been two months, but unless it had my overnight heavy duty pads or some sort of food I crave at 2 am, some boxes did not seem urgent to unpack immediately. Anyhow, this one had some books in it and I was bored. I found a few books my aunt had given to my mother to drop off to me. One was the story of psychic, Sylvia Brown.

Thought I did not read the entire book, I skipped about looking for the good parts, like when you get a good, steamy novel and scout the pages for words like throbbing manhood, nipple, or anything remotely sexual to just to get to the good part already. I found a section where her spirit guide, Francine, describes "the other side" in great detail. Apparently, it is on Earth, but on a different plane and we can come back and live as many lives as we choose or stay there for eternity, among other options, such as becoming a spirit guide, etc.

Time is different there. When you are living for eternity, 100 years of earth time is like a blink of an eye. She explained that when you lose a loved one, your reunion, if 50 years on earth, is a very short time to the one waiting for you. Everyone is 30 years old and you can look anyway you wish when you arrive. There are parties and social gatherings. There are no bad or negative emotions and when you reach the other side, the knowledge of everything makes you even have positive feelings and deep understanding of your worst enemies. You can marry your soul mate, but being faithful is not necessary. Sex is called merging and it is 100 times better than any orgasm on earth.

She was asked why anyone would wish to come to earth if everything there was 100 times better, the flowers, the scenery, the love. She said it is part of the knowledge and lessons you must learn in eternity. You come to earth to experience negativity and to learn lessons in this plane that are not learnable ( is that a word, oh well) on the other side, since nothing negative exists there.

It goes on and on with the explanation and I think it was supposed to be comforting and it may have been if I was like, 97, but I'm not. Now I wonder why I have to wait for all that great stuff, when I could be having orgasms with whomever I wanted and strumming guitar with John Denver. I bet I could even learn to play it well there. Of course it all could be a load of horse doodies, but geeze, it sounds good.

Now it has totally broken any motivation I had to do better, because all the really good is there. No fair! I probably took it all wrong and should feel inspired to find the good stuff here, love thy neighbor, live as they do on the other side, start freaking people out with book material written by Sylvia Brown, but instead I feel bummed out and even sad because I actually would not care if this life was all there was, now that would certainly inspire and motivate me more!

I need to not read that book anymore and go back to the steamy novels, sitting up late at night, leafing through the pages for bad words. I was happier then.


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