Friday, May 12, 2006


A few updates.

The friend I had written about who was battling cancer is still battling cancer. He is back to work and taking another round of chemo, this guy is my inspiration. He never gives up and always pushes ahead with hope. I want to be him when I grow up.

SIL paid her escrow for this month. I am both shocked and amazed, but am certain it will be a monthly stress... always. I can only pray she will prove me wrong.

Ryan's last day of school is Saturday. He has an exam at 8am and then he will stay for a party, I will pick him up on Sunday and,more than likely, clean up after that party. I'm thrilled to be getting him back full-time though!

Travis has his prom this Saturday. He is home from school today with suspected food poisoning from a carryout meal he ate last night. Hopefully, he will be feeling good tomorrow and have a great time. I don't think he has missed a day of school in many years, so the boy is hurtin' without a doubt.

Cassie is leaving for D.C. on Wednesday. She is very excited and ready to go. I am secretly terrified she will spend all her money on the first day or lose it all because the child lacks good sense, but I am trying to have some faith.

Brooke is doing well and her vocabulary has greatly expanded. Unfortunately one of her new favorite words is "bitch". Not only does she love saying it, she knows exactly how to use it because she sees Cassie now and says, "Sissy is a BITCH!!!!!!!!!!". We totally blame Cassie, because we don't use that word and Cassie giggles just a bit too much when she says it. If she was saying "shit", Bob and I would take full responsibility...but that is not the case. Verdict: Cassie, guilty as charged.

I'm going out Saturday night for a real night out with my dart buddies. I have not been out for a "real night out" in ages. I predict lots of drinking, inappropriate behavior, dancing, and total embarrassment on Sunday.

It may not happen that way, but one can always hope.


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