Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A little Sunshine, Please!

When the phone, suddenly and shockingly, woke me up, I saw that it was 930am!! I slept in til 930, with no demands for cereal and no 7am phone calls. Of course it was, as usual, the phone ringing that woke me up, but much later than usual. I looked outside and saw a strange and awesome site. Blue skies and SUNLIGHT! Real sunshine that was not being blocked by clouds and rainy, gloomy days. I have so wanted to spend a day out in the sunshine, even if it would be my own backyard, AND BECAUSE the sun was shining, and I would DEFINITELY be working early today.

I was not up ten minutes when the dreaded call came, "I am switching the work calls to you now". But of course. The sun is out and I could not possibly be off on a day so full of possibilities, swimming, long walks in pleasant 80ish degree weather or just sitting anywhere other then in or around my freakin' house enjoying such a day. But I still had the opportunity to enjoy it at home. I can be an optimist too! I get something to eat and decide that I will get into my swimsuit and catch a few rays.

Then.......someone is knocking at the door. Cassie's friends comes to pick her up. Cassie is fast asleep still. I stand in the kitchen making small talk with a few 13 year olds and a mom of one of these curious creatures as Cassie rushes about to get ready. Cassie is not so fast and always does things in her own time, so that took up just enough of a chunk of time to have Brooke wake up as they are heading out the door.

Now is it "all about Brooke time".....again. Something new this morning though, not the regular cry for cereal, she wants a sandwich. She insists that she must squeeze the jelly on to it "All by MYself!!" as I walk across the kitchen to get the bread. She tells me about this jelly situation at least ten more times as I fetch the peanut butter and jelly. I am trying to remain calm as I, again, reply, "Okay, you can put on the jelly", but I think on time eleven I might have yelled it instead. Time for the jelly, but now Brooke has dramatically thrown herself onto kitchen floor, "Mommy, don't say dat mean to me!!". Sigh.............

I then, excitedly, tell we are going outside to play. Her reply, "No, SpongeBob!!" This could work, she watches that, I lay out , but, then, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, watch SpongeBob tooooooooooo!!" As an experienced mom I know how to play this one. You sit as though you intend to watch it and within two minutes, when the glazed over SpongeBob drug starts to soak in, you escape unnoticed. I walk upstairs and my bestest, good friend Bubba is on the line. We chat a bit and as we talk I tell her I am going to get my suit on and lay out, but Brooke is back!

We go outside, spread out our towels and she starts with fill up this, get me that and so on. I get a work call that needs attention. Attention as in, go inside and sign on to the work telenet and do shit that needs done right now. I hang up with Kelly, do my work and come out, attempting, again, to just lay in the damn sun!

Now Brooke has a bright idea. If we are laying down, we certainly need pillows and blankies. She is quite proud of this idea and quite freaked out when I accept the pillow but not the giant blankie. Another toddler breakdown. "Got to COVER UP MOMMMMMMMMMYYYY!!". Mommy now, interally, is breaking down. Taking deep cleansing breathes.

More work calls, more requests for drinks, grapes, and covering up, more of everything that keeps me from just feeling that warm, wonderful sun on my skin. Frustration hits which turns into IBS, which turns into sitting in the bathroom with a laptop writing this venting post! Brooke enters because she has to go now. I understood when I had a drink, a bite of food, a bath, a piece of yarn or anything else in my hand, how she needed the EXACT same thing RIGHT NOW, but her new ability to adjust her bathroom habits to the precise moment I am in there, now that is talent.

I know I should really work on Brooke's demanding ways, but a working mom on a business call will give her child anything short of dangerous to just BE QUIET. She so gets that too. I am so doomed and as for the sunbathing, I have officially given up for the day.


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